VEREX is a duo-action liquid quaternary fabric softener. It not only softens fabric, but is a residual bacteriostat and residual self-sanitizer for prevention of odors under conditions of high relative humidity or wet contamination. Designed to be used in commercial and institutional laundry operations by adding to the final rinse cycle. The residual self-sanitizing activity reduces the number of odor-causing bacteria and offers residual self-sanitizing properties that protect the linen from recontamination once it leaves the laundry and makes its way back into circulation.
- an EPA registered formula
- A member of our HyClean Program
- When used as recommended, VEREX provides self-sanitizing activity against odor-causing Gram Positive and Gram Negative organisms (under conditions of high relative humidity or wet contamination.
- At higher use concentration, VEREX provides residual bacteriostat activity against odor-causing Gram Positive organisms (under conditions of relative humidity or wet contamination).
- Inhibits the growth of organisms that act on urine to produce ammonia in diapers and wet bed linen.
- Provides softening of clothes, eliminating chafing and “static cling” from nylons and other synthetic fabric.
- Helps to improve ironing time through the lubrication of fibers.